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Marine Stressors Forum Community Meeting Feb16

The Marine Stressors Forum Steering Committee held a workshop in order to engage with the wider MASTS community. This workshop was open to all MASTS members who are undertaking some form of marine environmental stress-related research (ecotoxicology, noise, endocrine disruption, chemical pollutants, climate change, physical changes etc…) or are involved in related policy matters. All stakeholders were also welcome.

The overall aim of the workshop was to facilitate greater discussion and open communication between MASTS members. In particular we were aiming to create a database of marine stressors expertise amongst the MASTS community in order to be able to put together a team to act as a MASTS partner on consortium funding bids (H2020 etc).

The first part of the workshop was a brief overview of the forum, whilst the second part of the workshop gave attendees an opportunity to show case their research areas, expertise and available equipment as well as provide information on relevant funding calls.

Downloads available:


Attendee list with short bios

Brian Quinn (UWS) presentation

Craig Robinson (MSS) presentation

Nicola Allison (USTAN) presentation

Simon Mackenzie (Stirling) presentation

John Craft (GCU) presentation

Les Noble (Abdn) presentation

Catriona Harris (CREEM) presentation

David Lusseau (Abdn) presentation

Teresa Fernandes (HWU) presentation

Natalie Hicks (SAMS) presentation

John Harwood (USTAN) presentation

Caroline Carter (SNH) presentation

Suz Henderson (SNH) presentation

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