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Past CREW projects

Below are some of the CREW projects that have involved an HEI. This is not a list of all CREW projects.

2021 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Establishing the potential influence of beaver activity on the natural functioning of rivers and streams and water resource management in Scotland Aberdeen University Josie Geris
A review of small sewage systems: guidance on small sewage systems in Scotland and approaches to these systems in other countries GCU Karin Helwig

2020 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Applying water treatment sludges to land: opportunities and implications Abertay University Daniel Gilmour
Sediment continuity through run-of-river hydro schemes University of Glasgow Richard Williams
Taking a collaborative approach in the water sector: lessons learned from the Metropolitan Glasgow Startgeic Drainage Partnership Abertay University Alison Duffy
Scoping the devlopment of a model to estimate phosphorus loads to water from septic tanks University of Dundee Sarah Halliday
How to effectively communicate flood risk and climate change projections in the context of flood risk GCU Fiona Henderson
Effectiveness of construction mitigation measures to avoid or minimise impact to groundwater dependent wetlands and to peat hydrology Abertay University Daniel Gilmour

2019 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Slender Naiad (Najas flexilis) Habitat Quality Assessment CEH Laurence Cavalho

2018 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Pathways of diffuse pollution to the water environment: pollution to the water environment: state of knowledge and communicating best practice SRUC Joanna Cloy
Reduction of pharmaceuticals in the water environment: baseline assessment and recommendations GCU & UHI Karin Helwig (GCU) & Stuart Gibb (UHI)
Leven catchment inititive – synthesis of current knowledge to help identify environmental management priorities to improve the water environment CEH Linda May et al.
Understanding the impact of incremental and piecemeal functional floodplain loss in Scotland University of Glasgow Richard Williams & Georgios Maniatis

2017 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Factoring ecological significance of sources into phosphorus source apportionment Phase 2 CEH Linda May
Water & the circular economy: where is the greatest sustainable economic benefit for resource recovery in the water cycle? University of Aberdeen Davide Dionisi
National Coastal Change Assessment 2: Enhancing the evidence base and our ablity to adapt University of Glasgow Jim Hansom
Private Water Supplies: Are they inhibiting growth and flexiblity of the rural economy, or imapcting population distribution? Glasgow Caledonian University Paul Teedon
Diffuse Pollution Workshop CEH Linda May
Diffuse Pollution Workshop ADAS Steve Anthony
Unitar Review – Module 2 University of Dundee David Blackwood
Unitar Review – Module 3 Edinburgh University Ana Maria Daza Vargus

2016 projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
The Ganga River Health Project University of Dundee Andrew Allan
EU Interreg North Sea Region Building with Nature project 2015-20 University of Dundee Christopher Spray
Investigating the potential for SuDS retrofitting in industrial estates Heriot Watt Scott Arthur
Valuing your soils phase II: farmer engagement/awareness raising SRUC Joanna Cloy
Scotland’s Water Sector Map – Hydro Nation University of Dundee David Blackwood
Quantifying rates of urban creep in Scotland CEH James Miller
Investigating the sensitivity of river wetted habitat to changes in flow CEH Francois Edwards
Assessing the impacts on people and communities following the December 2015/January 2016 flood events University of Aberdeen Lorna Philip
An independant evaluation of the “Integrated Water Resource Management – Southern Malawi” project on behalf of Scottish Government University of Abertay David Blackwood
Assessing the effectiveness of Scotland’s public flood warning service University of Dundee Andrew Black
A review of current practice in the provision of water and wastewater services by private developers University of Abertay David Blackwood
Investigating opportunities for improving SEPA’s National Coastal Flood Hazard Dataset Plymouth University Christopher Stokes

2015 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Review of odour management and monitoring in wastewater treatment plants University West of Scotland Brian Quinn
Review of EU management of small rural water supplies University of Dundee Sarah Hendry
Natural Flood Management measures and migratory fish University of Glasgow Jennifer Dodd
Getting the most from your soil: practical guidance Scotland’s Rural College Joanna Cloy
e-learning: Local water solutions for global challenges University of Strathclyde Robert Kalin
Design and build guidance for RSuDS to collect/intercept field or steading run-off Abertay University Alison Duffy

2014 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Sustainable Rural Communities: Comunity Pilots Glasgow Caledonian University Paul Teedon
The epidemiology and disease burden potential relating to private supplies in Scotland University of Aberdeen Norval Strachan
Learning from community led flood risk management – Carse of Stirling Heriot Watt University Lindsay Beevers
Innovative solutions for sustainable drinking water treatment at small to medium scales Abertay University David Blackwood
Hydro-literacy: How do we increase public understanding of the benefits provided by water Abertay University Alison Duffy
Inspiring environmental monitoring in Scotland: a review of innovative approaches to monitoring the aquatic environment Glasgow Caledonian University Karin Helwig
The value of Scotland’s water resources phase II: the concept in practice for the water industry (legal analysis) University of Dundee Sarah Hendry
Effect of soil structure and field drainage on water quality and flood risks University of Aberdeen Paul Hallett
National Coastal Change Assessment University of Glasgow Jim Hansom
Practical measures for reducing pollutant load from septic tanks CEH & University of Abertay Linda May & Joseph Akunna
SRDP guidance for RSuDS University of Abertay Rebecca Wade
Method to assess the role of catchment management in helping to protect and improve drinking water quality in a cost-effective way University of Dundee Christopher Spray

2013 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
SRDP – assessing potential water and soil quality options, their evidence base and potential to deliver multiple benefits University of Stirling David Oliver
Supporting Marine Spatial Planning with local socio-economic data SAMS Tavis Potts
Assessing the effectiveness of SEPA’s flood risk advice in planning decisions University of Dundee Tom Ball
Scottish water sector overview map University of Abertay David Blackwood
Land management for increased flood resilience University of Dundee Christopher Spray
Surface water flood forecasting for urban communities CEH & The Met Office Robert Moore & Alan Motion

2012 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Implementation of source control for SUDS in Scotland University of Abertay Alison Duffy
Consideration of the impacts of coastal erosion in flood risk maangement appraisals University of Glasgow Jim Hansom
Review of literature to determine the uses for ozone in the treatment of water and wastewater Cranfield University Peter Jarvis
Review to understand the impact of the policy of switching from chlorine to chloramines and the effects on lead and copper corrosion University of Strathclyde Bruce Postlethwaite
Review of “an assessment of the vulnerability of Soctland’s river catchments and coasts to the impacts of climate change” University of Glasgow Jim Hansom
Optimising WFD delivery using an ecosystem services approach: developing a methodology University of Dundee Christopher Spray
Assessment of feasibility of co-digestion of feedstocks University of Strathclyde Bruce Postlethwaite
Insurance provision and affordiblity in flood risk areas University of Dundee Tom Ball
Allan Water Natural Flood Management University of Stirling David Gilvear
Review good practice in communicating uncertainty related to flood risk Heriot Watt University Gina Netto
Review impacts/risks of water related known unknowns, and review/evaluate monitoring methodologies to identify sources and impacts Heriot Watt University Mark Hartl
Critically review methodologies to identify sources and pathways for urban diffuse pollution and identify measures/treatments with multiple benefit University of Abertay Rebecca Wade

2011 Projects:

Project Title Institution Name of PI
Linking catchments and coasts SAMS Tavis Potts
Fully integrated catchment planning University of Dundee Christopher Spray
Coastal Flooding University of Dundee Sue Dawson
Diffuse pollution management University of Stirling David Oliver
River functioning and resilience University of Stirling David Gilvear
Water, health and well-being Heriot Watt University Joe Roe
Natural flood management knowledge system Heriot Watt University Scott Arthur
Evaluating science: policy: practice interfaces University of St Andrews Ioan Fazey
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