MASTS, along with SAGES and 2050 Climate Group, lead the curation of three mini-documentaries which captured with thoughts and work of three Scotland-based early career researchers. The subject of the film aligned with key themes of CoP26.
The Next Generation Climate Leaders:
The long-awaited CoP26 climate negotiations are almost upon us, due to be held in Glasgow in November 2021. Voices the world over are calling for robust and science-led action at all levels, from political decisions to business investments and social transformations through behavioural change. Youth voices have become particularly relevant, as the living generations who will bear the consequences of today’s decisions for the longest.
The films were premiered at the 2050’s Climate Group’s event Youth Climate Summit in early September 2021. They have also been shown at the MASTS 11th Annual Science Meeting. Each film is 7 minutes long and can be watched below
MASTS was founded in 2009 to be a unique collaboration between marine research organisations, government and industry.
Charity Number: SC045259
Company Number: SC485726
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