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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

Research Innovation Scotland Workshop

Scottish Research Innovation Futures: A vision for societal change and sustainable recovery

RIS/KTN Workshops

Research Innovation Scotland (RIS) and KTN led a series of workshops on key challenges for societal change and sustainable recovery, understanding how collaborative research and innovation can contribute to Scotland’s mission to build back better.

MASTS were active partners and contributors in two of these events:

  • Workshop Three: Just Transition to a Net Zero Carbon Society Theme
    July 2021
  • Workshop Four: Climate and Environment Theme
    September 2021

For more information, see RIS KTN Workshops | Research Innovation Scotland (

Workshop three:

Overview: This workshop aims to identify where the immediate and long-term challenges exist for the Just Transition to Net Zero and how collaborative research and innovation can help overcome them. This third workshop will focus on two key areas within zero carbon; aligned with Government priorities (Scottish Government Energy Strategy; Scottish Government Hydrogen Policy Statement; Scottish Government Climate Change Plan; Transport Scotland National Transport Strategy; Just Transition Commission – A national mission for a fairer, greener Scotland). 

Workshop four:

Overview: This workshop will focus on prioritisation for landscape planning and economic recovery driven by the UK net zero ambition and  how collaborative research and innovation can help. This will include examining relative benefits of sustainable and innovative technologies to reduce GHC emissions (wind and wave power, waste reduction, circular economy, agricultural methods etc) while promoting a blue-green recovery. The workshop will compare spatial planning and land use policy approaches across terrestrial, transitional and marine landscapes and consider “translational benefits” and the sharing of expertise.

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