MASTS is made by and for its members

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland


A month long collaboration between MASTS and SAGES that celebrated our oceans.

Sea-Tember events

Below are some of the events Sea-Tember included, many of the events were family-friendly and gave members of MASTS and SAGEs the opportunity to talk about their work to new audiences.

Holding the Ocean. Renowned artist Eve Mosher is producing a creative piece around oceans and climate change as part of the MASTS led Ocean ARTic project. Eve invited communities to participate in her exciting creation by providing a voice to those fighting against and affected by climate change. Head over to to find out more.

Film: The Top of the World

Talk and discussion: “Voices from the Sea – What Does a ‘marine’ Just Transition look like?” Tavis Potts, Director for the Centre for Energy Transitions, University of Aberdeen. Tavis gave a high-energy, exciting talk on future energy transitions for Scotland. WATCH HERE

Take Part: Great British Beach Clean. On the 17th September, the Marine Conservation Society held its week-long nationwide beach clean, and litter citizen science project across the country!

Talk and discussion: “What has the sea ever done for you?”. Katie Gilham, Head of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Use, NatureScot. Katie spoke on the importance of the oceans in the fight against climate change. How can we work with nature? WATCH HERE

Event: Meet the Scientist An opportunity for audiences to meet some of our top scientists, and find out about a day in the life of a researcher! 


Talk and discussion: “Understanding our shifting coastline”. Martin Hurst, Lecturer in Physical Geography, University of Glasgow. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about research and projects happening across Scotland to adapt and build resilience to climate change. WATCH HERE

Film: The Final Ocean. The SeaTember finale: the launch of our final ocean film! Watch here for our short introduction to the wilds of Antarctica, and the importance of this hidden ocean. Antarctica is a vast uninhabited area of ice, but processes throughout the rest of the planet are affecting the species and habitats. Join Hannah Bischoff and Ben Fisher from the University of Edinburgh, as they explain why protecting the Antarctic region is so important

MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
