We list open funding calls on our Opportunities and Funding page.
NERC, through the Future Marine Research Infrastructure (FMRI) programme, is seeking to develop and deliver a research infrastructure that enables the UK’s marine science aspirations and ambitions. It is important […]
...Beaches of Scotland – Discover a visual history of Climate Change through the work of Prof. William Ritchie Historical photographs of Scotland’s coastline represent a priceless archive of information of […]
...The Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards is the flagship event that celebrates the partnerships between business, third sector or public sector organisations and academia. Now in its ninth year the annual […]
...Dr Ingrid Kelling and Ibrahim Lawan, both from Heriot Watt University, have just published a paper titled ‘Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in the aquaculture sector in Scotland’. Read on […]
...As of March 2023, MASTS is proud to announce that the University of Essex has successfully applied to become our 18th partner institute. Since its inception in 2009, MASTS has […]
...2022 was a busy year for MASTS as its members and team saw the reintroduction of in-person meetings and conferences. The year included our first in-person Annual Science Meeting […]
...A little while ago MASTS Directorate member Hannah Ladd-Jones met up with Bex Weeks and Benedikte Ranum from the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) to find out more about their […]
...The One Ocean Summit or the One Planet Summit for the Ocean is a three-day conference happening in Brest, France from 9 – 11th February. The goal of the One Ocean […]
...With awards of up to £5,000, we would like to congratulate the following recipients of the MASTS 2021 Emerging from Lockdown small grants round. EFLSG1: The role of calcareous biomolecules in […]
...MASTS supported work published: Inter- and Intra-Annual Bacterioplankton Community Patterns in a Deepwater Sub-Arctic Region: Persistent High Background Abundance of Putative Oil Degraders This publication was partially supported by the […]
...Following this workshop, we are delighted to now announce the launch of the Residency with details of the Commissions, which will follow on from the Residency! We are inviting applications […]
...MASTS was founded in 2009 to be a unique collaboration between marine research organisations, government and industry.
Charity Number: SC045259
Company Number: SC485726
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