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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland


The latest updates from our community

Call for Abstracts & Registration – 5th EAFP UK & Ireland branch meeting

Date : 20-21st November 2024

Venue : Moredun Research Institute

Organised by Kim Thompson, Janina Costa, Tim Bean and Athina Papadopoulou

The conference will take place at Moredun Research Institute, situated at the bottom of the Pentlands on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

The registration fee covers attendance for 1.5 days, including coffee breaks and refreshments, lunch on September 20th, and bus transportation from the centre of Edinburgh to Moredun. Additionally, it includes the conference dinner on the evening of September 20th, located in the charming Shore area of Edinburgh.

The link to Registration and payment will open on the 16th of September and close on the 6th of November 2024. Registration rates are shown below. The limit for the meeting is 100 delegates. Ass

To register as a member, please provide your membership number. EAFP members must be registered in the EAFP database and should have either joined recently or renewed their membership at the time of registering for the meeting. For more information on EAFP membership, including how to join or renew this, please visit the official EAFP website Join EAFP – EAFP.

Regular (£) Students (£)
EAFP member 112 85
Non-member 138 105

Workshop on “Genomics of Fish Pathogens for Early Career Researchers

A workshop on The Genomics of Fish Pathogens will take place on the 19th of November 2024, hosted by the Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh. There is space for 25 ECRs attending the 5th EAFP UK & Ireland meeting, with workshop costs covered by the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre.

We are excited to introduce researchers who are new to bioinformatics to the world of genomics data. Participants will start by learning essential command-line techniques, which will then be applied to the analysis of bacterial pathogen data.If you are interested in attending, please register your interest here.

Abstract Format

The page format should be Standard A4 paper (210mm x 297mm = 8.27” x 11.69”) (portrait), with margins of 2.5 cm throughout. All text should be single-spaced and justified. Calibri Light (or equivalent font), size 12, should be used.

Abstract Title – The title should identify the contents of the work presented. Only capitalise the first letter of the title, along with any proper names and acronyms, and italicise scientific names.

Authors and Affiliations – Add a double-line space after the title, followed by the authors’ names. Emphasise the presenting author by using bold and underlining. Include the authors’ affiliations on the next. Then, ensure a double-line space separates this section from the main text.

Abstract Text – The abstract should be divided into Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. A maximum of 350 words is permitted for the body of the text.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is open from the 6th of September 2024 until the 18th of October 2024.   Please ensure that the guidelines are followed before submitting to

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