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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland


The latest updates from our community


CSL Distance Learning Programme and Barefoot Short Courses

MASTS members interested in these courses are entitled to a discount. Martin is offering a 7% (£50.00) discount for MASTS members interested in the CSL-Distance Learning Programme (£695+VAT), and a 5% discount for the short courses (£95 down to £90). If you would like to take advantage of these discounts, please contact Martin by email before booking on

The CSL Distance Learning Programme comprises 3 Courses all based on our CSL Face to Face course (Thinking Strategically; Influencing Others; Developing your Leadership Practice). The courses include self-study modules, peer groups and webinars.

5 cohorts have now been through the whole programme with participants from the England, Scotland, Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, North America and Australia. Participants have been largely in the early-mid career group. From a Scottish perspective we’ve had a large number of participants from Scottish Government/Marine Scotland and SAMS. The feedback from all of them has been overwhelmingly positive, with many reporting significant gains. People have appreciated being able to study in their own time whilst also having valuable contact with others through the webinars and peer groups.

In addition, we’ve now developed a Short Course Series – for those that want to learn the tools without completing a long programme or course.

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MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.