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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland


The latest updates from our community


PhD Opportunity – University of St. Andrews & Newcastle University

Another chance for a fully-funded scholarship at St. Andrews University and co-supervision from Newcastle Uni!
Are you passionate about fisheries management, marine conservation and spatial data?? Then this PhD is for you!

“Bridging the divide between distant water fleets and coastal communities in the biggest unregulated fishery in the world”

We welcome applications from both domestic and international candidates to join our interdisciplinary team and participate in an innovative PhD project at the forefront of research. University of St Andrews Newcastle University Renato Gozzer Wuest Chris Sutherland Christopher Hackney

The closing date for applications is Friday 12 February 2025 at 5pm (UK time). Please contact Tania if you want to discuss the project ( Potential candidates are expected to have a solid background on spatial data science/GIS or machine learning techniques.


More Details Here

MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
