MASTS is made by and for its members

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland



What sort of projects can Masters Students do?
Our students can contribute a vast range of skills and knowledge to suit many different projects and working environments. Projects could involve data analysis, modelling, reviews, method optimisation and comparison, equipment development, laboratory or field work – it depends on the organisations needs. The only condition is that the proposed project is sufficiently in-depth to meet the standard required at masters level and can be completed within the 8-16 week time frame.
Is this a type of work experience?
This is very different from ‘work experience’. Students are expected to undertake a dedicated project, which is usually written up as a dissertation but increasingly takes other forms such as a technical document, a website or workplace relevant publication.
Will students require a lot of supervision?
The student will have a university and an organisation supervisor. The organsation’s supervisor will oversee the day-to-day project supervision, workplace induction and be available for the student’s queries. This person should also be available to discuss the student’s progress and performance with the university supervisor. For Quality Assurance purposes and Codes of Practice, minimum levels of supervisory input must be agreed beforehand.
How long does a project last?
Projects are generally 8 -16 weeks and usually start from May/June. However, this is not exclusive and some flexibility may be possible. The development of project proposals can begin as early as October of the previous year.
What will the student gain from a collaborative project?

The project offers many benefits to our students.

  • A range of new experiences and challenges which will assist in the development of skills;
  • Enhanced appreciation of working relationships and workplace practice
  • Apply academic knowledge in a work context;
  • Enhanced awareness that skills and knowledge gained in a workplace environment are as relevant and valuable as those gained in an academic setting.
What will it cost me?
Masters students do not require a salary payment as the project is an inherent element of their degree programme. However, organisations are strongly encouraged to cover the cost of any travel and consumables associated with the project. Additional discretionary payments are not uncommon, however, this is not expected and any agreement would be between yourselves and the student.
Where will the student work?
Depending on the nature of the project, the student may be based on or offsite. If the student is spending a lot of their time within your organisation, then they would require a working area and provision of equipment and resources to undertake the agreed project.
MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
