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University statements on BREXIT & UKRO info

BREXIT: The UK Research Office (UKRO) have issued the following statement

With a view to existing EU grants and EU policy, for the moment being, the UK continues to be a member of the EU.  It is likely that with the overall process still to be defined in detail and the timeline yet to be determined, it will take some time until any clearer messages emerge. The process for withdrawing from the European Union is explained in more detail on the Government’s referendum website.

UKRO will continue to provide services as usual and we would actively encourage subscribers to send us their queries related to the effects of the referendum outcome. Questions that the community shares at the moment include the future of existing EU grants and the impact on grants currently under negotiation, as well as wider topics regarding institutions’ EU engagement strategies and what messages to give to researchers on EU funding. Whilst we will not be able to give immediate answers to most queries, we will endeavour to provide updates on the most pressing issues as soon as possible via the UKRO Portal. UKRO will continue to play a facilitation role between the research community and all relevant actors over the coming period.


Edinburgh University –

St Andrews University –,566802,en.php

Glasgow University –

Aberdeen University –


University of Strathclyde –

University of the West ofScotland –

University of Dundee –

Edinburgh Napier –

Clarifications on the  Edinburgh Napier University site:

EU students studying in the UK under the Erasmus programme: their immigration status has not changed, and they continue to be eligible for their Erasmus grant until at least as long as we remain a member of the EU and possibly beyond that point.

UK students studying in the EU and elsewhere under the Erasmus programme: their immigration status has not changed, and they continue to be eligible for their Erasmus grant until at least as long as we remain a member of the EU and possibly beyond that point.

All staff currently undertaking EU funded projects: the UK’s status as a full participating member of the Horizon 2020 programme has not changed as a result of the referendum vote. Existing project grants and contracts will be honoured unless or until advised otherwise. Detailed advice on prospective and currently negotiated projects will be circulated as soon as is possible by Universities UK, which is liaising with the UK Research Office and European Commission.

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