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2013 Programme

Day 1: Tuesday 27th August 2013

9.00-9.30       Coffee and Registration

9.30-9.35       Opening by Prof David Paterson – MASTS Executive Director

9.35-10.05     Invited Keynote Speaker in memoriam of Prof Carlo Heip: Dr Tasman Crowe,   University College     Dublin – “Impacts of multiple stressors on marine organisms and ecosystems: experimental tests in the lab and the field”10.05-11.00: MRT Leader and Forum Convenor Highlights

11.00-11.30   Coffee

11.30-12.30     MASTS Science Session (Chair: Dr John Baxter)
  • Sam Anson (Marine Scotland): The contribution of socio-economics to marine science.
  • Amy Scott-Murray (Aberdeen) Communicating marine science in the 21st century.
  • Dr Colin Macleod (GIS in Ecology) Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) In The Marine Environment: Simple In Theory, Complex In Practice.
  • Niels Jobsvogt (Aberdeen) The economic value of protecting biodiversity in the Scottish deep-sea.
  • Dr Sandra Brookes (MASTS Visiting Fellow) Reproductive ecology of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa from Mingulay Reef, Scotland.

12.30-12.45     Question time for Science Session 1

12.45-2.00       Buffet Lunch, Networking opportunities and E-poster Session

   Screen 1  Screen 2  Screen 3  Screen 4  Screen 5  Screen 6  Screen 7

Andrew Guerin

Jenny Wright

Suzanne van Osch

 Marlene Lorgen

Fiona Mcintyre

Alan MacDonald

Caitriona  McInerney

2.00-3.45         Special Sessions
Auditorium Carnegie
B Room
A Room
  the sustainability of aquaculture production
 The Future of Deep-Water Research  Firth of Clyde Community Project
Session Champion: Prof Brendan McAndrew (Sustainable  Aquaculture Forum Convenor)  Session Champion: Dr Bhavani Narayanaswamy (Deep Sea Forum Convenor) Session Champion: Prof Mike Heath (MASTS Professor and Fisheries Science Forum Steering Group Member)

An assessment of tissue tropism of Salmonid alphavirus infection in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 

Tharangani Herath (Stirling)

The North Atlantic Ocean and Climate Observing System

Dr Stuart Cunningham (SAMS)

The MASTS Fisheries Forum has endorsed a proposal to develop a Community Project focussing on the Firth of Clyde marine ecosystem. If you are a researcher at any level actively engaged in marine research in the Clyde, come along to a round table discussion.

Everyone who attends this session will be asked to present approx. 2 minutes (no  powerpoint slides) stating who they are and what research they are doing. A Marine Scotland representative will outline what they see as the rersearch needs. This will be followed by a discussion about how the existing research can be linked up, what the gaps are, and what research proposals might be viable.

Please register your interest with: Mike

Managing connections: modelling spread of sea lice between aquaculture sites.

Dr Thom Adams (SAMS)

Ocean basin-scale deep-sea research: the case study of cold-water coral ecosystem history and connectivity.

Prof Murray Roberts (HW)

Salmotrip: towards a more sustainable salmon industry.

Dr Herve Miguad (Stirling)

Ecological adaptations and commensal evolution of the Polynoidae (Polychaeta) in the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge.

Dr Natalia Serpetti (SAMS)

Characterizing signaling pathways linking growth to other physiological systems in farmed salmonid fish.

Dr Dan MacQueen (Aberdeen)

The need for biodiversity indicators in the UK deep-sea environment.

Laura Robson (JNCC)

Alternative feeds for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using novel plant-based meals and oils to replace fishmeal & fish oil.

Prof Douglas Tocher (Stirling)

Interdisciplinary studies in the modern deep sea: Are we there yet?

Dr Robert Turnewitsch(SAMS)

Society and Seaweed, can sustainable aquaculture meet the challenges of food security, climate change and the energy gap, or are we asking too much?

Dr Adam Hughes (SAMS)

 Open discussion (25 mins)
Open discussion (15 mins)    
3.45-4.30         Coffee with E-poster session 2
   Screen 1  Screen 2  Screen 3  Screen 4  Screen 5  Screen 6  Screen 7
 3.55-4.10 Joanna Wilson Nilantha Jayasuriya Lauren Biermann Mark Braceland Fani Lamprianidou  Ian
 4.10-4.25 Vanessa Trijoulet Nabiel Salama Eileen Bresnan Fiona

Aiden  Hunter

4.30-5.45         MASTS Science Session (Chair: TBC)
  • Dr Natalie Hicks (SAMS) Oxygen dynamics of coastal sediments under ocean acidification and elevated temperature regimes
  • Dr Angus Cameron (Strathclyde) Dynamic food webs in a changing world: A trait-based modelling approach for describing shifting species composition within functional groups in response to changing temperatures.
  • Dr Seb Hennige (Heriot Watt) The Mingulay Coral Reef Complex and Ocean Acidification: from Individuals to Ecosystem.
  • Dr David Morris (Strathclyde) Identifying how climate change will impact on fisheries: Global sensitivity analysis of a North Sea ecosystem model.
  • Prof Laurence Mee (SAMS): Designer seas: The realities of the Ecosystem Approach.
  • Dr Douglas Speirs (Strathclyde) Drivers and controls in trophic cascades.

5.45-6.00         Question time for Science Session

6.00-6.10         Day One Closing Remarks (Prof David Paterson)

6.10-7.30         Networking (Bar will be open)

7.30-late          ASM Conference Dinner and Ceilidh

Day 2: Wednesday 28th August 2013

9.00-9.30         Invited Keynote Speaker: Dr David Mills (CEFAS)

9.30-10.30       MASTS Science Session (Chair: Dr Stuart Cunningham).
  • Dr Bee Berx (MSS) Is the Transport of Atlantic Water in the Faroe Shetland Channel changing? – A summary of 20 years of observations.
  • Yi Ming Lai (Strathclyde) Nutrient Budget for Loch Linnhe.
  • Dr Sarah Hughes (MSS) New observations in the East Shetland Atlantic Inflow,
    seasonal patterns of variability in transport from the North Atlantic to the North Sea.
  • Dr John Howe (SAMS) The bathymetry and geomorphology of the Firth of Lorn – the
    INIS Hydro survey
  • Ina Lefering (Strathclyde) Quantitative absorption determination for natural waters and
    associated measurement uncertainties

10.30-10.45     Question time for Science Session

10.45-11.30     Coffee, Networking opportunities & E-poster session 3
  Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7
11.10-11.25 Armin
Maria Quaggiotto Brian
Vanessa Trijoulet John    Soje 

 Murray Roberts 

11.30-1.15       Special Sessions
Auditorium Carnegie
B Room
A Room
Interdisciplinary insights into coastal zone management Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling Biofouling and renewable energy structure – is there really an issue?
Session Champion: Prof Nick
Hanley (Coastal Zone Forum Convenor)
 Session Champion: Prof David Dritschel (Dynamics & Properties of Marine Steering Group  Member) Session Champion: Dr Michele Stanley(Marine Energy Forum and Sustainable Aquaculture Forum Steering Group Member)

Identifying & Valuing Cultural Ecosystem Services: An Application to Marine Food Webs.

Corinne Baulcomb (SRUC)

A new computational framework for the accurate modelling of tracer advection.

Prof David Dritschel (St Andrews)

The sticky problem of biofouling on renewable energy structures?

Dr Michele Stanley (SAMS)

Coastal erosion in Scotland: Susceptibility and Vulnerability.

James Fitton (Glasgow)

Lagrangian perspectives on an energetic tidal system – using drifters to validate a hdrodynamic model.

Dr Andrew Dale(SAMS)

Environmental characteristics will shape off-shore biofouling communities: Are there any engineering concerns?

Adrian MacLeod (SRSL)

Developing and Testing Approaches for Marine Spatial Planning: the case of aquaculture.

Lauren McWhinnie (Heriot Watt)

Uncertainties in the evaluation of wave energy resources using a modeling approach.

Dr Philippe Gleizon(ERI)

Larval dispersal and population connectivity: implications for offshore renewable energy structures.

Raeanne Miller (SAMS)

New Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation: Opportunities and Challenges.

Prof Colin Reid (Dundee)

A nested 3D hydrodynamic model of Mingulay Reef Complex.

Dr Juan Moreno Navas (Heriot Watt)

Benthic productivity on artificial structures and marine renewable energy devices.

Sally Rouse (SAMS and HW)


 Open discussion (20 mins)

Study of the Clyde Sea Tidal Circulation using FVCOM.

Alessandro Sabatino (Strathclyde)

Biofouling and renewable energy structures: is there really an issue?: Lessons from the mussel-farming industry.

Dr Tom Wilding (SAMS)

Open discussion (25 mins) Open discussion (25 mins)

1.15-2.15         Buffet Lunch and Networking opportunities

2.15-3.15         MASTS Science Session (Chair: Dr Karen Diele).
  • Toyonobu Fujii (Aberdeen) Spatial and temporal variation in utilisation of an obsolete offshore platform by fishes in the North Sea.
  • Dr Amaya Albalat (Stirling/Glasgow) Unravelling the physiological impact of
    trawling on Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus): From vigour index to shot-gut proteomics
  • Dr Paul Fernandes (Aberdeen) Reversal of fish stock decline in the North East Atlantic.
  • Prof Mike Heath (Strathclyde) Ecosystem consequences of a ban on fishery discards.
  • Dr Farhan R. Khan (Heriot Watt) A biodynamic modelling approach to determining the
    bioavailability of the metal constituents of nanoparticles to an estuarine snail.

3.15-3.30         Question time for Science Session

3.30-4.30         Coffee with E-poster session 4
   Screen 1  Screen 2  Screen 3  Screen 4  Screen 5  Screen 6  Screen 7

 Heather Ritchie

 Haydn  Thompson

 Enrico  Pirotta Hassien  Alnashiri    Anica Beuerbach  Angela Boag 

 Kirsty  Brown

 3.55-4.10 Lilian    Lieber    Robert Wilson  Nienke van Geel  Catherine Mitchell  Iain   Hannah  Tony Gutierrez  Penelope  Donohue
 4.10-4.25 Charlotte Hopkins

 Barbara  Harvie

 Timothy  Stojanovic  Susan Gallon   Mark    Inall  Christina  Kelly  Marta M-Silva
4.30-5.45         MASTS Science Session
  • Carole Shellcock (SAMS) Gene regulation linked to neutral lipid production in
    the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
  • Silje-Kristin Jensen (St Andrews) Spatial and temporal exposure of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) to toxins from harmful algae in Scotland.
  • Prof Frithjof Kuepper (Aberdeen) Iodide in kelp: an inorganic antioxidant in life impacting atmospheric chemistry.
  • Virginia Echavarri (Heriot Watt) Effects of silver nanoparticles on the functioning of estuarine bacterial communities.
  • Dr David McKee (Strathclyde) Impact of measurement uncertainties on determination of chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient for marine phytoplankton.
  • Majed Al-Shaeri (Heriot Watt) Ecotoxicological implications of the interactions between single-walled carbon nanotubes with metals.

5.45-6.00         Question time for Science Session

6.00-6.15         Conference Closing Remarks & Prize Giving (Prof David Paterson)

6.30-7.30         Networking (Bar will be open)

Day 3: Thursday 29th August 2013

This third day of the MASTS ASM is for associated meetings, seminars, training sessions and workshops.

   Morning  Afternoon

Carnegie A

 10-12noon: Aquatic Food security – Scotland’s role for a
  global market
 12.30pm-4.30pm: Role of genomics in aquaculture

Carnegie B

 9am-12.30pm: Marine predators and high energy environments: challenges and solutions to understanding behaviour and ecology  1.30-4.30pm: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Platforms for
  Marine Research: Past Successes and Future Plans.

 9.30am-4pm: Micro-plastic litter in the marine
  environment: sources, sinks, effects and impacts      


Bruce A

 9am-12.30pm: Interdisciplinary approaches to the study
  of marine connectivity and its applications to MPA network design and fisheries management
 1.30-4.30pm: Researching Scottish Elasmobranchs –
  Opportunity for a combined approach?

 10am-4pm: To remove or not to remove? The challenge posed
  by Man-made structures on the Marine Environment: Considerations for the O&G community    

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  • MASTS Publications


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