To view video clips of speakers from the 2016 ASM Special Session on “Science in the Clyde” click on the images below
‘Why the Clyde?’ An Introduction with Prof. Mike Heath
Professor Mike Heath from the University of Strathclyde provides an introduction to these special session vidcasts where he addresses the question ‘Why the Clyde?’
Distribution and connectivity in Firth of Clyde whiting
Neil Burns a postgraduate researcher at the University of Glasgow discusses the major changes in commercial demersal fish species within the Clyde, in particular the impact this has had on the distribution and connectivity in Firth of Clyde whiting.
Stock assessment of Firth of Clyde whiting using a length-based Bayesian model
University of Strathclyde postgraduate research student Aidan Hunter explains the continued importance of undertaking stock assessments of commercial fish species in the Firth of Clyde, using whiting as an example.
Modelling the exploitation of whitefish and herring in the Firth of Clyde during the nineteenth century
Dr Dougie Speirs of the University of Strathclyde explains why it is important to examine the history of exploitation of commercial fish stocks within the Firth of Clyde in order to understand why they have declined.
Data Analysis to understand Conditions leading to Fish Kill Events in the Clyde Estuary
Mark Williams from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency discusses his study into fish kills within the Clyde.
Valuing future changes in ecosystem service delivery resulting from South Arran MPA
Jacob Ainscough a postgraduate researcher at the University of Edinburgh explains how social science is an important ingredient for any future management of the Clyde.
Greater lobster densities affect other commercially important crustaceans in a community-led temperate marine reserve.
Dr Bryce Stewart from the University of York describes his work looking at the recovery of species within the Lamlash Bay No Take Zone, the first of its kind in Scotland.
The transport of Nephrops norvegicus larvae in the Firth of Clyde
University of Strathclyde postgraduate researcher Hazel Smith discusses the fate of larval Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) post hatching and how this information may prove crucial in insuring the maintenance of stocks.
Juvenile gadoid habitat and growth related changes using underwater stereo-video surveys
Sophie Elliot a postgraduate researcher at the University of Glasgow describes her investigation into how the utilisation of habitat by the various gadoid species of the Clyde changes as they increase in size and the implications this may have for stock conservation.