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2018 Vidcasts

To view vidcast interviews from the 2018 ASM click on the images below.

Professor Murray Roberts from Edinburgh University, has witnessed how traditional barriers have been broken down, so that academia and industry can enjoy a close, mutually beneficial working relationship under the area of decommissioning – he spoke to Kelvin Boot.

Noise pollution from deterrent devices
Alan Audsley spoke with Charlotte Findlay (SAMS) who has been mapping and modelling underwater noise pollution from acoustic deterrent devices.

The Marine Management Organisation
Melinda Choua recorded an interview with Adam Cook, Head of Evidence for the Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

European Oysters
Soizic Garnier spoke with MASTS Grad Student, Ana Rodrigues, about the extinctiuon of European Oysters and how her work with larvae behaviour is helping with their restoration.

Northern Lighthouse Board
Texa Sim spoke with Mike Spain from the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). The NLB are keen to work with MASTS scientists and assist with at-sea sampling.

Students from MEOPAR visit the ASM
Krista Cawley & Martin Laroche are students of MEOPAR, which is an organisation in Canada similar to MASTS.

Light absorption
Allan Audsley spoke to MASTS Grad School alumnus, Ina Lefering (now a post-doc at Strathclyde) about a new technique for measuring light absorption over larger scales.

Melinda Choua recorded an interview with Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy (UHI) about her work in detecting microplastics by using remote sensing.

Deep-sea sponges
Spoizic Garnier spoke with MASTS Grad School alumnus, Georgios Kazanidis (now a post-doc at Edinburgh University) about his work studying the distribution of deep-sea sponges in relation to environmental variablity in the deep North Atlantic.

Guillemots & tidal turbines
Texa Sim interviewed MASTS Grad School student, Daniel Johnstone (UHI) about his research on foraging behaviour of black guillemots in relation to tidal stream turbines.

NorthSEE project
Allan Audsley spoke with Kirsty Wright from Marine Scotland about the NorthSEE project which is concerned with transnational maritime spatial planning and cross-border energy exchange.

Sampling microplastics
Texa Sim talks to Lola Paradinas (SAMS) about her work sampling microplastics along the Scottish Coastline.

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