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2016 Abstracts

Day 1: Wednesday 19th October 2016

09.00-09.25     Opening and welcome by Prof David Paterson (MASTS Executive Director) in Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C). This will include brief updates from the MASTS Research Theme Leaders.

09.25-09.55     Invited speaker: Dr Rod Wilson, Exeter University. “The surprising role of marine fish in global ocean biogeochemistry”

09.55-10.40     MASTS General Science Session 1 in Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Prof. David Paterson). Talks are 12 minutes each plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Martyn Cox (Marine Scotland) NMPi and future Scotland’s Seas assessments
  • Mark Hartl (Heriot Watt) First assessment of microplastic contamination in intertidal sediments of Orkney. Contact Mark for further details.
  • Marie-Lise Schläppy (UHI-ERI) Spatially and temporally variable oxygen conditions as determinant of microbial processes in and around Irish sponges.

10.40-11.20     Coffee break, networking and E-poster session 1. View abstracts for these e-posters

  • Trevor Sloughter: Seasonal Variations in Photosynthetic Efficiency of Polar Phytoplankton
  • Jenny McLeish: Molecular and Morphological Identification of Invasive Bullhead in Scotland.
  • Jennifer Skinner: The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey: Indicators of change in Scottish waters
  • Ewan Edwards: The ECOMMAS project: using passive acoustic monitoring to assess the distribution of harbour porpoises around eastern Scotland.
  • Matthew Wale: New Accessible Devices for Aquatic Particle Motion Measurements in Bioacoustic Studies
  • Suzannah-Lynn Billing: The people who want to facilitate new marine industries; Agents for Change and the development of wave energy in Scotland.
  • Andrew Sweetman: The Lyell Centre – a new research centre for earth and marine science and technology

11.20-12.50     MASTS General Science Session 2 in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) and a Special Session on “Marine Biogeochemistry” in Auditorium A.

11.20-12.50     MASTS General Science Session 2 in Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Dr Douglas Speirs). Talks are 12 minutes each plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Melinda Choua (Strathclyde)Modelling plastic and evolutionary responses for marine viruses. Contact Melinda for further details.
  • Robert Wilson (Strathclyde) Projecting the impact of climate change on Calanus finmarchicus: there is no future, only possible futures
  • Laura Williamson (Aberdeen) Management implications of using different modelling strategies (GAM and INLA) to assess the distribution of harbour porpoise
  • Neil Banas (Strathclyde) Copepod populations and communities in changing oceans: Testing a new model across latitude, time, and the size spectrum
  • Sofia Ferreira (Strathclyde) Connecting the Northeast Pacific coastal productivity through satellite ocean colour
  • Laura Hobbs (Strathclyde) Winter vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton

11.20-12.50     Special Session on “Marine Biogeochemistry” in Auditorium A (Chair: Dr Nick Kamenos). Talks are 12 minutes each plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Andrew Mogg (SAMS) Quantifying biologically-driven coral reef carbonate production via high-resolution stereophotogrammetry
  • Carlos Cáceres (Strathclyde)Acclimation responses to phosphorous availability in Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
  • Jinhua Mao (Glasgow) Contemporary and historic carbon burial by coralline algal beds.
  • Pablo León (Marine Scotland) Analysis of the potential impact of ocean acidification on the pelagic gastropod community in the North East of Scotland.
  • Stacey Felgate (SAMS) Assessing the Resilience of a Blue Carbon Store: Characterizing the Lateral Flux of DIC from an East Coast U.S. Saltmarsh using Δ14C and δ13C.
  • Kathy Dunlop (Heriot Watt) Scavenging Processes at Jelly-Falls.

12.50-13.30     Lunch and networking.

12.55-13.25     “How to get your paper published in Nature” – Interactive session in Conference Room 1 with journal editor Dr Heidi Burdett. Open to all – first time and seasoned authors. Grab your lunch beforehand and bring it with you!

13.30-15.30     MASTS – European Marine Board Science Session in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) and a Special Session on Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling in Conference Room 4/5

13.30-15.30     Joint MASTS – European Marine Board Science Session in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Jan Mees, EMB Chair)

  • Dr Mark James (MASTS Operations Director) Marine Science – A Tartan Perspective! – An overview of marine science in Scotland and future challenges. 20 minutes + 5 for questions.
  • Name (Institution) Title TBC
  • Prof Murray Roberts (Edinburgh) 2020 and Beyond: Can Europe sustain marine ecosystems and drive Blue Growth at a North Atlantic scale?20  minutes + 5 for questions
  • Dr Beth Scott (Aberdeen) Marine Renewables and optimal ecologically sustainable planning for our oceans. 20 minutes + 5 for questions

13.30-15.30     MASTS Special Session on Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling in Conference Room 4/5 (Chair: Philip Gillibrand). Talks are 12 minutes each. Questions will be at the end of all talks. View abstracts for this session.

  • Philip Gillibrand (ERI-UHI) Numerical Simulations of the Effects of a Tidal Turbine Array on Local Bed Shear Stress.
  • Ted Schlicke (SEPA) Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Clyde Estuary
  • Susana Baston (Heriot Watt) Three-dimensional characteristics of the tidal currents at the Pentland Firth
  • Dmitry Aleynik (SAMS) West Scottish Coastal Ocean Modelling System and Environment Impact Studies
  • Jean Reinaud (St Andrews) Interaction between surface buoyancy filament and a deep vortex
  • Simon Waldman (Heriot Watt) Numerical investigation of the effects of tidal energy extraction in the Goto Islands, Japan
  • Andrew Berkeley (SEPA) Modelling for regulation in aquaculture

Flash talks (4 mins only + 1 min for questions)

  • Hoa Nguyen (Strathclyde) Biophysical modelling of fjords and sea lochs
  • James Ounsley (St Andrews) Modelling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolt dispersal from Scottish shores
  • Soizic Garnier (Strathclyde) Optimal-detail circulation models for fjords and sea lochs

15.30-16.15     Coffee break, networking and E-poster session 2. View abstracts for these e-posters.

  • Daniel Johnston: Investigating the ecology of black guillemots in relation to marine renewable energy and marine protected areas
  • Ana Rodriguez: Investigating the larval behaviour of Ostrea edulis
  • Philippe Gleizon: Sensitivity of wave models to boundary conditions
  • Louise Campbell: The Scottish Shelf Model – future developments and directions
  • Naif Ashri: Ecotoxicology of Sediment-associated Carbon Nanotubes

16.15-17.45Joint MASTS – European Marine Board Science Session in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Jan Mees, EMB Chair)

  • Sigi Gruber (Marine Resources Unit, DG Research & innovation) Science & Business Forum. 15 minutes + 5 for questions.
  • Iain Shepherd (DG MARE) Blue Growth/Ocean Observation 15 minutes + 5 for questions.
  • David Mills (Bangor) The SEACAMS Initiative15  minutes + 5 for questions
  • Stephen Hall (IOC-UNESCO) Update on UN PrepComm. 15 minutes + 5 for questions

17.45-18.45     EMB Wine reception (invitation only) including Student Flash talks

  • Matthew Wale (Edinburgh Napier): Anthropogenic Noise
  • Kate Wade (St Andrews): Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Value of Restored Saltmarshes
  • Lucy Greenhill (SAMS): Marine Spatial Planning as adaptive governance

19.30-late        ASM Conference Dinner and Ceilidh at the Millennium Hotel (ticketed event)

Day 2: Thursday 20th October 2016

08.10-08.30     Registration and tea/coffee

08.30-10.30     MASTS General Science Session 3 in AuditoriumA and a Special Session on “Science in the Clyde” in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C).

08.30-10.30     MASTS General Science Session 3 in Auditorium A (Chair: Dr Sebastian Hennige). Talks are 12 minutes each plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Matthew Wale (Edinburgh Napier) The Effects of Anthropogenic Noise Playbacks on the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis
  • Simon Little (Heriot Watt) The toxicity of differently coated copper oxide nanoparticles towards the marine blue mussel, Mytilus edulis.
  • Jacopo Agagliate (Strathclyde) Optical closure between PSDs and IOPs in natural waters: a Mie-based flow cytometric method
  • Fiona Murray (Heriot Watt) Cold-water-corals in a high CO2 ocean: behaviour, physiology and growth in Desmophyllum dianthus.
  • Marwa Al-Ghanem (Heriot Watt) Investigation of the biodiversity and ecology of encrusting epifauna associated with horse mussel Modiolus modiolus in the North-East Atlantic
  • Mona Connolly (Heriot Watt) The potential impact of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) on marine ecosystems: investigations using the marine mussel bivalve invertebrate Mytilus edulis. 
  • Michaela Roberts (St Andrews) How do SCUBA divers value coral reef protection?
  • Alan Fox (Heriot Watt) The sensitivity of modelled Lophelia pertusa larval dispersal and population connectivity to climate variability

08.30-10.30     Special Session on “Science in the Clyde” in Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Prof Mike Heath). Talks are 12 minutes each plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session. View vidcasts from this session.

  • Neil Burns (Glasgow) Distribution and connectivity in Firth of Clyde whiting
  • Aidan Hunter (Strathclyde)Stock assessment of Firth of Clyde whiting using a length-based Bayesian model
  • Douglas Speirs (Strathclyde) Modelling the exploitation of whitefish and herring in the Firth of Clyde during the nineteenth century
  • Mark Williams (SEPA) Data Analysis to understand Conditions leading to Fish Kill Events in the Clyde Estuary
  • Jacob Ainscough (Edinburgh) Valuing future changes in ecosystem service delivery resulting from South Arran MPA
  • Bryce Stewart (York University) Greater lobster densities affect other commercially important crustaceans in a community-led temperate marine reserve.
  • Hazel Smith (Strathclyde) The Transport of Nephrops norvegicus Larvae in the Firth of Clyde. Contact Hazel for further details.
  • Sophie Elliot (Glasgow) Juvenile gadoid habitat and growth related changes using underwater stereo-video surveys

10.30-11.15     Coffee break, networking and E-poster session 3. View abstracts for these e-posters.

  • Luke Helmer: Survivorship, growth and reproductive potential of protected broodstock flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, populations attached to existing floating structures within the Solent, UK
  • Alethea Madgett: Bioaccumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Trace Metals in Scottish Marine Food Webs and their Relationship with Trophic Level and Fatty Acid Signatures.
  • Alice Tagliati: Ecotoxicology of sunscreen on tropical corals in a changing ocean.
  • Charlie Cameron & Ellen Harrison: The Feeding Ecology of Grey Gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus, off the coast of Scotland
  • Joanne Clarke: Identifying the effect of trawl intensity on mobile megafauna associated with Burrowed Mud
  • Thodoros Kampouris: Habitat selection of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas: preliminary results
  • Diego del Villar-Guerra: Potential interactions between migratory fish and marine renewables in Scotland

11.15-11.45     Invited speaker: Prof Michael Meredith, BAS and SAMS. “The role of the ocean in variability and change at the Western Antarctic Peninsula, or: What’s up at the WAP?”

11.45-13.00     MASTS Physical Oceanography Session in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Dr Bee Berx). Talks are 12 mins plus 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Anton Edwards (UHI) The balance of tidal and wind-driven currents in west Scottish coastal waters
  • Peter Sheehan (UEA) Forcing and variability of western inflow routes of Atlantic water into the northern North Sea
  • David Woolf (Heriot Watt) Whither the 60 Gigawatt Wave?
  • Michela De Dominicis (NOC) What are the potential consequences of very large-scale tidal arrays on physical processes?
  • Jenny Hindson (Marine Scotland Science) Freshwater around the Scottish coast: temporal and spatial variability, with a sea loch case study

13.00-13.45     Lunch and networking opportunities.           

13.30-17.30     Decommissioning and Wreck Removal Workshop in Auditorium A

13.45-15.45     MASTS General Science Session 4 in the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) and MASTS General Science Session 5 and in Conference Rooms 4/5.

13.45-15.45     MASTS General Science Session 4 (Chair: Dr Karen Diele). Talks are 12 minutes each and 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Tanja Miethe (Marine Laboratory) Application of harvest control rules (HCR) using length-based indicators for shellfish stocks and fisheries
  • Liz Clarke (Marine Scotland Science) Evaluating regional designs for the on-shore sampling of North Sea demersal fisheries
  • Mark Hamilton (UHI) Environmental drivers of landings variability in Shetland creel fisheries
  • Alan MacDonald (Strathclyde) Climate change and sandeels: can we ignore the direct effects of temperature?
  • Kirsty Lees (Newcastle) Fine-scale movements, activity patterns, and catchability of European lobsters within a north-east fishery
  • Tania Mendo Aguliar (St Andrews) Development of a platform for fine scale spatial assessment of fishing activities around Scotland  
  • Mailys Billet (Aberdeen) Using high-resolution vessel movement data to improve accuracy of locations of commercial fisheries for Marine Spatial Planning
  • Cass Bromley (Queens University Belfast) Science-based management advice for native oyster fisheries and regeneration projects.

13.45-15.45     MASTS General Science Session 5 in conference Rooms 4/5 (Chair: Dr Alistair Rennie). Talks are 12 minutes each and 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Alistair Rennie (Scottish Natural Heritage) Scotland’s Dynamic Coast – The National Coastal Change Assessment
  • Mairi MacArthur (Glasgow) Ecological Enhancement of Coastal Infrastructure
  • Thorsten Balke (Glasgow) Tipping points in salt marsh and mangrove vegetation dynamics
  • Ben Taylor (St Andrews)Saltmarsh restoration in the Eden Estuary: sediment dynamics and carbon storage potential
  • Martin Hurst (Glasgow) Dating shore platforms and measuring long-term rates of coastal erosion on rocky coasts
  • Simone Martino (SAMS) How does economics fit into social-ecological aspects of marine and coastal ecosystems management?
  • Cati Torres (University of the Balearic Islands) Communicating research on economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services
  • Lynette Loke (MASTS Visiting Fellow, Singapore University) Enhancing biodiversity on artificial coastal defences

15.45-16.30     Coffee, Networking opportunities & E-poster session 4. View abstracts for these e-posters.

  • Charlotte Francoz: Luminescence dating of sedimentation regimes in Scottish saltmarshes: can they keep pace with sea level rise? Contact Charlotte for further details.
  • Fiona Cunningham: Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change in Scottish Island Communities
  • Emily Gal: Interweaving narratives: reconstructing chronologies and impacts of windblown sand in prehistoric landscapes.
  • John Preston: Modelling changes in the coastal geomorphology of Unst, Shetland and the implications for understanding Norse/Medieval harbour changes in the Scandinavian North Atlantic
  • Deborah Wood: Investigating the speciation and mineralogy of iron in colloids and nanoparticles of Scotland’s coastal waters: method development
  • Kate Wade: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Value of Restored Saltmarshes in the Eden Estuary, Fife
  • Hannah Fennell: Mapping the Marine Planning Science Network in Scotland

16.30-17.45     MASTS General Science Session 6 the Main Auditorium (Auditoria B/C) (Chair: Prof David Paterson). Talks are 12 minutes each and 3 minutes for questions. View abstracts for this session.

  • Franziska Broell (MASTS Visiting Fellow, Dalhousie University) Characterizing and quantifying activity patterns of fish with accelerometer archival tags
  • Sebastian Hennige (Edinburgh) How corals apply the Goldilocks Principle to habitat engineering
  • Jacqueline Tweddle (Aberdeen)Phytoplankton: helping support the environment and society
  • Bryan Spears (CEH) Land Ocean Carbon TransfEr: Locate.
  • Andrew Sweetman (Heriot Watt) Bacteria, not macrofauna, are key players in the short-term degradation of phytodetritus in abyssal CCZ sediments.

17.45-18.00     Conference Closing Remarks & Prize Giving (Prof David Paterson)

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