The conference facilities are also opened up to allow for workshops.
See below for details about the workshops that are taking place at the 2018 ASM. Places on these workshops can be booked when you register online here.
One day workshop (31st Oct)
Two day workshop (1st/2nd Nov)
- Auditorium A – SUT/MASTS Decommissioning and Wreck Removal (13.30-17.30 on Thursday 1st Nov and 8.45-12.45 on Friday 2nd November). If this workshop is the only part of the ASM that you will be attending, please contact for a registration discount code.
One day workshop (2nd Nov):
- Conference room 2 (09.30-15.30) – The changing coast: sharing knowledge and practice
- Conference room 3 (09.30-12.30 & 13.15-15.45 – attend one of both parts) – A guide to the grant environment and review process for ECRs
- Conference room 4/5 (11.00-16.30) – Conducting fieldwork in tidal stream sites – Download Exec Summary from the meeting
- Conference room 8 (09.30-16.30) – MEDIN Data Management Standards & Guidelines
Morning workshops (2nd Nov)
- Conference room 1 (09.00-13.00) – Scottish Blue Carbon Forum
- Conference room 6/7 (09.30-12.30) – SIFIDS project (invitation only)
- Exec A (10.00-13.00) – invite only – Flapper skate workshop (invitation only)
Afternoon workshops (2nd Nov)
- Conference room 1 (13.30-16.30) – C-SIDE project meeting (invitation only) APOLOGIES – THIS WORKSHOP HAS HAD TO BE CANCELLED
- Conference room 6/7 (13.30-15.30) – Marine Plastics – A Scottish Evidence Plan
Science-Policy Workshop
Organisers: Dr Jacqui Tweddle & Dr Katherine Yates
Timings & Location: 16.45-18.15 Wednesday 31st Oct in Auditorium A
Details: This workshop is part of a project focusing on understanding the reasons why researchers do or do not engage with government organisations on marine and coastal management issues. Our aim is to identify both the incentives that curently drive engagement efforts and barriers that prevent it; information that we will then use to recommend changes to facilitate enhanced interactions in the future.
This workshop is one of a series, bringing together researchers and government organisations with marine and coastal interests, to explore incentives for and barriers to science-policy engagement. We are looking to identify some of both the incentives that currently drive engagement efforts between the research community and the policy and management community working on coastal and marine issues, and barriers that prevent engagement.
In this workshop, researchers will sit down with marine and coastal policy makers and managers, and try to find ways to maximise incentives and solve or work around barriers to engagement. The suggested solutions generated within the workshop will be used to recommend changes to both communities to facilitate enhanced interactions in the future. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to network and build stronger relationships between members of the two communities.
The workshop is part of a project being run by two NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowships who are focusing on the science-policy interface, with the main aim of enhancing the incorporation of science info marine policy and management. Feel free to contact them if you have any questions before or after the workshop.
SUT/MASTS Decommissioning and Wreck Removal
Organiser: Karen Seath
Timings & Location: 13.30-17.30 Thursday 1st & 08.45-12.45 Friday 2nd November in Auditorium A
Details: Influence, educate and unlock opportunities: informing key decom and wreck removal challenges. Workshop flier now available here.
Workshop agenda available here.
Download presentations from this event here.
The changing coast: sharing knowledge and practice
Organiser: Dr Clare Maynard
Timings & Location: 09.30-15.30 Friday 2nd November in Conference room 2
Details: This is a one-day workshop, kindly supported by the Scottish Consortium for Rural Research, to bring rural and marine experts together to explore synergies in the coastal zone. Presentations on coastal processes, management and the future will highlight ongoing efforts, while in the afternoon, there will be a discussion about setting up a Scottish Coastal Observatory, as a means to provide an exchange information on environmental change.
Download agenda for this workshop here.
View and download presentations from this workshhop here.
A guide to the grant writing environment and review process for ECRs
Organisers: Dr Joanna Gosling & Dr Amaya Albalat
Timings & Location: 09.30-12.30 (part 1) & 13.15-15.45 (part 2). Attend one or both sessions on Friday 2nd November in Conference room 3
Details: Part 1: Outlining future funding opportunities and challenges for ECRs in all disciplines. Part 2: Grant review exercise for ECRs in the field of aquaculture. Workshop programme here
ARCH-UK support for ECRs (+10 years post PhD) and PhDs (3rd and 4th year) to attend the ARCH-UK/MASTS workshop ‘A guide to the grant environment and review process for ECRs’ Friday 2nd November
A limited amount of ARCH-UK support has now become available to cover registration fees for those wishing to attend the workshop ‘A guide to the grant environment and review process for ECRs’ (the afternoon session of which focuses on the review process for aquaculture specific grants). Participants must attend the full day to be eligible. Participants can claim up to £70 to help cover their registration costs. Claim forms will be available at the event for those who have secured funding. Claimants must provide an invoice/receipt from MASTS detailing their registration costs to claim. Funds will be reimbursed within 3 weeks of receipt of your claim form at the University of Stirling.
Funding will be given on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to claim money to help cover your registration fee please email with the following information:
Please add to email subject line: ‘ARCH-UK ECR/PhD support for MASTS-ASM registration’
- Your name and institution
- If you are an ECR: how many years post PhD graduation are you?
- If you are a PhD: state whether you are in 3rd or 4th year
- How much you require to cover or contribute to your registration costs (maximum £70)
Notification of whether you have received funding support will be given by 1st week of October.
Conducting fieldwork in tidal stream sites
Organisers: Dr Rory O’Hara Murray, Dr Sophie Ward & Dr Alice Goward-Brown
Timings & Location: 10.30-16.30 on Friday 2nd November in Conference room 4/5
Details: Several regions around the UK coast have been identified as having a significant tidal stream resource for commercial exploitation. These highly energetic areas with high tidal flows – often combined with high wave exposure – make data collection incredibly challenging. Specialist vessels and equipment, and detailed local knowledge, are a necessity. Typically, data are required for resource assessment, turbine power testing, array optimisation, and to assess the impact on the marine environment. This workshop is centred on the challenges and best practices of working at high energy sites, and is aimed at a broad range of stakeholders, including technicians, marine renewable energy technology developers, scientific equipment companies, scientists and academics alike. Please contact Rory in the first instance if you are interested in attending this workshop. Download flier here.
MEDIN Data management standards and guidelines workshop
Organiser: Dr Sean Gaffney
Timings & Location: 09.30-16.30 on Friday 2nd November in Conference room 8
Details: MEDIN workshops help attendees improve their knowledge and skills in marine data managemet, through training on resources such as the MEDIN Discovery Metadata Standard and the MEDIN data guidelines. The MEDIN Discovery Metadata Standard allows users to generate information about their datasets and upload them to an online portal in a standardised format compatible with GEMINI, INSPIRE and ISO so that data can be located online. The MEDIN Data Guidelines provide a structure for collection of information about sampled data so that it can be interpreted by others in the future without recourse to the data originators. Further information on MEDIN workshops is avalable here.
The expected outcomes/outputs would be a group of diverse people who collect or use marine data coming away from the course with much more improved awareness of the need for proper marine data management. The ultimate goal would be that they take that awareness back to their organisations and change their work processes so that MEDIN data management practices are integrated into their work streams in the future. A secondary objective would be that these organisations would see the value of MEDI and become MEDI partners/sponsors and store their data in MEDIN DACs, thus expanding the MEDIN network.
Marine Plastics – A Scottish Evidence Plan
Organiser: Bill Turrell
Timings & Location: 13.30-15.30 on Friday 2nd November in Conference room 6/7
Details: The Scottish Government is placing much focus on understanding and combating issues surrounding marine litter and plastics. Marine Scotland is working on this in close coordination with terrestrial colleagues. In Scotland we currently have Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan (2010), the National Litter Strategy ‘Towards A Litter-Free Scotland’ (2014), Zero Waste – Safeguarding Scotland’s Resources: Blueprint For A More Resource Efficient And Circular Economy (2013), and Scotland’s Marine Litter Strategy (2014). These nationally implement regional and global policies such as the UNEP/NOAA Honolulu Strategy (2011), OSPAR’s Marine Litter Regional Action Plan (2014), and the G7 Action Plan to Combat Marine Litter (2015).
To oversee and implement these strategies, several internal high-level steering groups have been established, supported by a Marine Plastics Evidence and Analytical Group. This group is currently reviewing published, ongoing and planned research in the areas of marine plastics, their sources, flows and impacts with the aim of identifying strategic gaps in our current knowledge, and possible ways these gaps may be addressed in future research plans.
The co-chairs of the SG Marine Plastics Evidence and Analytical Group (Amy McQueen and Bill Turrell) along with Bhavani Narayanaswamy, Head of Microplastics Research in SAMS, would like to invite you to this ASM session in order to contribute your thoughts about existing marine plastics research, and help identify current critical knowledge gaps for Scotland.
Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System (SIFIDS) workshop (invitation only)
Organiser: Hannah Ladd-Jones
Timings & Location: 09.30-12.30 on Friday 2nd November in Conference room 6/7
Details: This invitation-only workshop is primarily targeted at Marine Scotland representatives, NGOs and the Chairs of the Inshore Fishery Groups. It will provide attendees a key opportunity to learn more about SIFIDS and what its objectives are. The workshop will allow attendees to express their views on how SIFIDS could assist inshore fishery management and how they believe it should be implemented if made operational. The workshop will provide researchers vital information on how the different Marine Scotland teams perceive the system. From this, Work Package 9 will be able to develop relevant estimates of capital and working costs if the system was applied throughout the Scottish inshore fishing fleet. Furthermore, the workshop will assist in developing the WPs final recommendations for how SIFIDS could be deployed into the real world.