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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland



RV Serpula

RV Serpula is a 8m custom built vessel commissioned in 1999, based on an 8 m LOA GRP Kingfisher hull. She is equipped for scientific sampling and diving work, including grabbing, benthic coring, beam trawling and deployment of remote sensing equipment (e.g. side-scan sonar; drop-down video). Most sampling gears can be supplied in-house. RV Serpula is supported by 3 inflatable craft. The vessel has been used for work all over Scotland, including Barra, North Uist, the Firth of Tay and locations around her base in Loch Creran. She also provides a focal point for field course-work on both B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees. The boat, with skipper, is available for commercial contracts.

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