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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

Marine Climate Change Forum

Welcome to the MASTS Marine Climate Change Forum

This Forum provides a platform for knowledge exchange (information, education, networking), enabling the MASTS community to collaborate on Marine Climate Change.
As a more holistic approach to studying marine climate change is needed to solve present issues this Forum engages researchers representing a variety of disciplines.

A Humpback Whale jumping out of the water

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Forum Activities & Resources

2024: MASTS Working Group contribution “Understanding Climate Change Impacts around Scottish Deep Seas”

Members of the Marine Climate Change Forum have joined this Working Group initiated by the MASTS Deep Sea Community, which identified the need for clear communication of the impacts of climate change on Scottish deep-sea ecosystems together with the associated socio-economic impacts.

For more details please visit the Working Group Website!

Resources & Archive
  • Coordinated a programme of activities around and at COP26.
  • Increase climate literacy: co-develop a carbon literacy course with the MASTS Graduate School, first iteration of the course to run January 2023

Forum Objectives

Climate Change is a cross-cutting theme within the MASTS remit but has until now not had a dedicated forum. The Marine Climate Change Forum aims to address this, providing a focal point for climate change related research within the MASTS community in synergy with activities by the other MASTS research fora and themes.
The Scottish Government will continue to look to the scientific community to provide the necessary evidence to support climate change policies for adaptation and mitigation. The MASTS community also contributes already to the global knowledge base on the ocean’s role in the Earth’s climate, and climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation.

  • Horizon Scanning: bring together expertise to identify research priorities, emerging issues, and funding mechanisms.
  • Research Translation: translate research outputs to policy makers and other stakeholders.
  • Foster Collaboration: encourage new collaborations and nurture existing ones to submit funding proposals and PhD studentships.  
  • Outreach: disseminate research topics/themes to a broad audience, including contributing to activities at and around COP26 (November 2021, Glasgow).

These four main aims at their core are built on five common principles: (1) ensuring the MASTS community has opportunities to network, (2) communicating research within and beyond the MASTS community, (3) delivering tangible outputs, (4) amplifying –rather than duplicating– activities, and (5) being inclusive of all disciplines, career stages and organisations.

Forum Convenor

A Humpback Whale jumping out of the water

Bee Berx
– University of Aberdeen | Marine Directorate

Visiting Lecturer | Marine Directorate Climate Change Lead | Environment Monitoring and Assessment Programme Oceanography Group | ICES Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography

Interests: Physical Oceanography | Ocean circulation of the sub-polar North Atlantic and European continental sheld | Observation of currents and water properties and their changes through natural variability and human-induced climate change

Steering Group

Colin Moffat (SAMS/RGU), Dan Goldberg (University of Edinburgh), David Paterson (University of St Andrews), Jack Sheehy (Heriot-Watt University), Jennifer Scott & Joanne Porter (Heriot-Watt University), John Baxter (University of St Andrews), Kara Layton (University of Aberdeen), Kate Wade (JNCC), Kevin Scott (St Abbs Marine Station), Laura Steel (NatureScot), Marco Fusi (Edinburgh Napier University), Mike Burrows (SAMS-UHI), Pablo Diaz (Marine Directorate), Ricardo Gonzalez-Gil & Silvia Malagoli (University of Strathclyde), Sandy/Alexander Downie (SEPA), Simona Aracri (University of Edinburgh) and William Austin (University of St Andrews).

If you are interested in joining this Steering Group please contact

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