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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

People Ocean Planet (POP)

Our mission

People Ocean Planet’s mission is to drive behavioural change across society to tackle major threats to the ocean, bringing about positive and lasting changes.

These will reduce and reverse the decline of marine ecosystems and wildlife. Our network of experts in marine research increasingly recognise that we must do this within a single human generation.

POP recognises the human dimensions of the key challenges AND solutions for the ocean environment. POP seeks to merge marine science and its communication with insights from the social sciences, particularly behavioural psychology and sociology to bridge gaps from knowledge to optimism, and from good intentions into real-world action. Our priority ocean issues are: climate change, sustainable seafood, pollution from land and deep-sea mining. The project’s core mission is to drive lasting behavioural change to reduce society’s impact on our oceans. Delivering Ocean Literacy is a fundamental component of this.

Soft-launched in June 2020, POP is spear-headed by MASTS and the University of St Andrews, with support from Nature Scot, The University of Edinburgh, St Abbs Marine Station and the Behavioural Insights Team. The project received kick-starter funding from Vodafone UK Ltd. We have no geographic boundaries and hope to expand to an international remit.

Contact POP here

Visit POP’s Website

Taming Aegir was a performance commissioned by POP
A Performance of Light Water is Black Water athe Queen Hall, Edinburgh. This was from a POP lead project called Ocean ARTic
POP wrote an article for Zero Waste Scotland about deep sea mining
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