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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland



Marine Robotics – SAMS

Using a multitude of flying and diving robots the experienced and skilled staff and students at SAMS’ Scottish Marine Robotics Facility develop, adapt, deploy and operate latest smart technologies to answer pressing environmental science questions.
These new technologies drive marine science forward and the new knowledge enables people to plan how we interact with the marine realm more sustainably.
Kits: Glider, AUV, RPA, Mapping, Moorings, Drifter and Landers

Scientific expertise

Our scientific team uses robotics to study our environment. The facility is science led and has the expertise to design scientific missions and interpret data, providing a complete and distinctive package of marine observations.

Exceptional research capabilities

The facility has an exceptional range of capabilities that support academic, regulatory and commercial projects. From aerial mapping to surface fluxes and the properties of deep water, the Scottish Marine Robotics Facility has technologies that span the atmosphere, ocean and ice.

Additional information


Contact details
+44 (0) 1631 559 470
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