MASTS is made by and for its members

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland



SV Moder Dy – NAFC (University of the Highlands and Islands)

Inshore Survey Vessel
A 13.7 m long MCA area Category 2 workboat with twin Caterpillar engines producing 560 Hp. Maneuverable and economic she is equipped with a hull mounted multibeam echosounder, WASSP WMB-160F, a GeoPulse pinger Sub-Bottom Profiler, drop down video system, and several sediment grab options. She is an ideal survey platform for acoustic surveys/seabed profiling, benthic sampling and surveying, environmental monitoring, and training.

Additional information


Available for loan – internal and external

Contact details
01595 772000


MASTS Resources

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  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


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