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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

Research themes

Research Themes

A major objective of MASTS is to enhance the Scottish marine research environment through improved co-ordination and collaboration. To achieve this, the MASTS Executive Committee has established three major research themes under which to organise the research of the MASTS community. These themes also strongly reflect the Marine Policy of the Scottish Government.

Each Research Theme is led by an elected Theme Leader and an appointed Steering Group with the collective responsibility of promoting scientific excellence and cooperation within the Theme. Themes will have strategic oversight of Forums and be responsible for high level representation, networking and horizon scanning.

Dynamics and Properties of Marine Systems forums: Numerical & Experimental Hydrodynamic Modelling, Marine Climate Change, Biogeochemistry, Technology, Platforms & Sensors

Productive Seas forums: Fisheries, Oil & Gas Environmental Research, Renewable Energy, Aquaculture

Marine Biodiversity, Function and Services forums: Marine Stressors, Marine Planning & Governance, Deep Sea, Coastal

Dynamics and properties of Marine systems

Productive seas

Marine Biodiversity, Function and Services

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  • MASTS Publications


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