MASTS is made by and for its members

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland



July 2018 – MASTS is welcomed as an associate member of PRIMaRE – The Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) is a consortium of marine renewable energy experts across higher education, research and industry which have joined together to establish a ‘network of excellence’.

MASTS is one of three UK organisations represented on the European Marine Board

MASTS also has links with:


International Links

In order to internationalise the research and graduate training of MASTS a small ‘International Collaboration and Networking’ (ICN) Steering Group was established to alert and enhance the awareness amongst the MASTS community of issues of potential interest, such as:

  • overseas funding sources for students on PhD, MSc and Continuous Professional Development programmes which MASTS partners and the Graduate School could offer;
  • overseas fieldwork and exchange opportunities for MASTS PhD students;
  • promotion of the development of international research consortia which groups of MASTS partners could lead or join in on;
  • initiation of discussions with a view to forming formal links with similar national marine science and technology partnerships in other countries (such as some already being investigated in Germany, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Malaysia and Colombia);
  • encourage similar national networks to be set up elsewhere on the model of MASTS (e.g. Ecuador);
  • the creation of productive links with multinational regional networks such as, for example, AMLC (the Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean).

The Steering Group’s recommendations help to inform the Directorate and Executive Committee in determining the activities beneficial to the aims of MASTS.  Similarly, there is a two-way flow of information between the ICN Steering Group and the Themes, Fora and Community Programmes of MASTS. 

Suggestions for new international links for MASTS to consider are welcome and should be directed to the leader of the MASTS ICN Steering Group, Professor James Mair (

SFC Scottish Research Pools

These pools are collectively coming together with our SFC-funded partners, the Innovation Centres and Interface, to intensify our efforts around interdisciplinary research and innovation to support economic recovery and societal change. Within this, MASTS will continue to facilitate collaborative research and development working across the sectors.  FIND OUT MORE

Innovation Centres – Scotland
  • Fisheries Innovation & Sustainability (FIS): MASTS was also instrumental in the creation of FIS (formerly Fisheries Innovation Scotland).
  • Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC). SAIC is to release the potential for growth through effective collaboration between the industry and the Scottish research community. This will include, coordinated problem solving via Priority Innovation Actions to address the major constraints to growth and development, support for new businesses and ensuring effective knowledge exchange. The resulting growth in production will bring with it investments in Scottish jobs, infrastructure and research, while underpinning food safety and security and an improved diet for the Scottish population.
  • The Data Lab enables industry, public sector and world-class university researchers to innovate and develop new data science capabilities in a collaborative environment. Its core mission is to generate significant economic, social and scientific value from data.
  • Read more about these and the other Innovation Centres here
MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
