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MASTS-SFC Saltire emerging researcher scheme

MASTS are delighted to be one of the research pools to be awarded funding for the SFC Saltire Emerging Researcher Scheme (SERS) European Exchange programme.

The MASTS-SERS Programme provided an important opportunity to both reinvigorate existing research collaborations, as well as to facilitate the creation of new inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations between Scottish and European institutions at a critical time when evidence based environmental stewardship, policy and management is essential.

The scientific scope of the programme encompassed all aspects of aquatic habitats from river catchments to coasts, to the open ocean and deep sea and all aspects of related research, from molecules to man.


Awardees, funding reports and 3 minute flash talk videos
Team Saltire Networking event

On the 23rd November 2022, MASTS attended the Team Saltire networking day event where recipients of the funding were invited to attend a day of talks and masterclass workshops to assist their continued professional development. Awardees listed above joined either in-person or online. 

MASTS was delighted to see that three of the above awardees were shortlisted for the 3 minute flash talk prizes in the “food, Bioeconomyu, Nature Resources, Agriculture and Environment” category. Well done to Magnus Janson, Emily Hague and Alexandra Pound. 

Previous announcements

MASTS are delighted to open this funding for a third call for proposals for Heriot Watt University, University of Dundee, and Robert Gordon University.

Further information and programme guidelines are available here.  

You should submit your application on a MASTS SERS Application Form before 12.00 on Friday 8th April 2022.


  • This scheme is not open to masters students.
  • Bench fees should be waived. Where this is not possible, then this should be stated and justified within the application.

  • You can visit more than one institution and/or country, but this must be within the limits of the maximum budget and the reasons must be justified within the proposal.

  • As well as named Universities, you could choose to exchange with an institute associated with a University or a scientific/technological centre, but such institutions and the host must have experience of postgraduate and early career supervision. 
  • If an applicant’s time is not already covered through stipend or salary, these costs can be included provided the applicant is registered with an eligible HEI. Any salary costs quoted will need to be agreed with the host institution and must not include indirect overhead costs. By “registered”, we mean having the right to use the facilities and email address of an eligible MASTS HEI.

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  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


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