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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland


The latest updates from our community


Forging Futures Scheme – SULSA

SULSA, in collaboration with Interface, Skill Fluence and My  Future Plan have created the Forging Futures scheme to support and develop a cohort of researchers by enabling them to explore the opportunities available to them in academia and industry and equipping them with the tools to work effectively between the two. Recipients of this scheme will become SULSA Ambassadors for Industry Engagement.

The scheme has the added benefit of; enhancing the translation of research, catalysing cross-fertilisation across universities, building the confidence of researchers in collaborating across academic disciplines and industry sectors, increasing funding options for our researchers, and supporting their career progression.

One PhD Student and one Postdoctoral Researcher will be awarded from each of the SULSA member institutions, and will become a SULSA Ambassador for Industry Engagement within their institution.

Application Deadline: Monday 9th October 2023

A seminar detailing this scheme and its benefits will take place on Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 11:00 – 12:00, with a talk from Tony Bradshaw (MyFuturePlan), Jennifer Rao-Williams (Skillfluence), Howell Davies (Interface) and Emily Dickie (SULSA Ambassador for Industry Engagement Alumni). Please register for this session.

More Information Here

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  • MASTS Publications


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