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Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

Energy Transition Forum

Welcome to the MASTS Energy Transition Forum

This Forum provides a platform for knowledge exchange, information, education and networking on marine renewable energy. This Forum brings together expertise in relevant areas such as marine renewable development processes and dynamics, management, policy, social science and biodiversity.

Offshore wind turbines in calm water

News & Events

Forum Activities & Resources

2024: Special Session at MASTS Annual Science Meeting

The newly established Forum hosted a Session on 6th November 2024, introducing its remits and objectives and invited the community to a discussion about future activities. 

To combat climate change, many countries have committed to transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable technologies. Many of these new technologies are set to be located with the marine environment with large areas of development planned in seas around the UK. These developments will themselves have impacts on the marine environment and will impact other users of the marine space. The MASTS Energy Transition Forum looks to bring together experts to explore the ecological, technological and social implications of this energy transition and to expand knowledge surrounding this topic.


The Policy and Innovation Group at the University of Edinburgh, in collaboration with the Supergen ORE Hub, Wave Energy Scotland and the Marine Energy Council, have published the 2024 UK Ocean Energy Review. More info here!

UK Offshore Renewable Energy in 2040: Building a Sustainable and Competitive ORE Sector on a Pathway to Net Zero by 2050

This report by the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub puts emphasis on the need for urgent action in the offshore renewable energy sector to help the UK meet its Net Zero targets. Research and innovation are named as key factors, as well as the main areas of focus such as the consenting process, supply chain and infrastructure and workforce.

Read the full Report here!

Webinar “Energy Innovation Emporium 2021: Accelerating the Contribution of Ocean Energy to Net Zero”
Lead by Gordon Hastie (University of St Andrews) in September 2021 and included MASTS Renewable Energy Forum members and speakers from ETP, IEA Ocean Energy Systems, Mocean Energy, Orbital Marine Power, Wave Energy Scotland, University of Edinburgh and the University of Strathclyde.
Watch the Webinar Here!

UK End User Engagement
View the UK end user engagement diagram for offshore renewables

Tethys Engineering Photo Library
Photos and illustrations of marine renewable energy devices, arrays, and facilities, available for free third party use.

PRIMRE – Portal & Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy
For access to information on projects and technologies, resource characterization, device performance, and environmental effects take a look here.

Report “Addressing the ecological implications of offshore renewable energy developments across receptor groups – shaping future marine energy research”
Final report from the ScotMER and MREF MASTS Workshop (Oct 5, 2019) Read the report here!

Strategy “An Offshore Renewable Energy Environmental Research & Innovation Strategy for the UK”
The principal aim of developing this environmental R&I strategy for UK ORE, is to set out the high level environmental R&I priorities for the next five to ten years, together with measures for coordinating activity across the various funding organisations and key stakeholder interests, to ensure that the general direction of travel is towards developing a sustainable ORE industry. (December 2018) More on the Strategy Here!

Forum Objectives

Definition of “Energy Transition”
A shift away from using energy derived from fossil fuels (e.g. coal and oil) and towards energy generated from using alternative renewable fuels (e.g. wind, tidal, solar) which produce limited or no carbon emissions and are therefore cleaner and more sustainable.

Steep cliffs and the ocean
  • Oil & gas sector & decommissioning Achieving a just transition and supporting innovation.
  • Offshore wind Capacity and storage, supporting innovation, addressing infrastructure challenges and grid integration.
  • Tidal energy, Hydrogen, Energy Security
  • Grid infrastructure Preparation of grid networks and storage capacity to allow for changes in energy production.
  • Marine planning and spatial prioritisation Understanding the effects of ‘spatial squeeze’ and the role of marine planning in mitigating this.
  • Commercial fishing sector/Fisheries Maintenance and development; need for cross border collaboration, link to rural communities and social aspects.
  • Maritime shipping industry changing the fuels from carbon-intensive to carbon-neutral or renewable, to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions; also making sure that developments do not impede global shipping routes that are important for trade.
  • Economic growth, blue economy Transition to a low-carbon economy; economic development in key sectors such as maritime transportation, aquaculture and biotechnology.
  • Policy and net zero targets and strategies and Net Gain Raising the quality of debate on public policy developments and so create opportunities for informed discussion; (Scottish Government, Energy and Climate Change Directorate, 2023: Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan; UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, 2023: Powering up Britain Policy Paper); GB Energy.
Oil platform in the background with rocky shore in front
  • Just Transition Encompassing fairness, inclusivity, & equality within the processes of change, esp. in transitioning from one energy system to another.
  • Ecosystem conservation and environmental impact assessment Biodiversity, Environmental protection, Climate Change, potential environmental impacts of developments, environmental compensation.
  • Social Impact Considering the changes caused to coastal community wellbeing (in its broadest sense), resilience, and social capital (the relationships among people who live and work in a particular society). Paying attention to people living on the islands who are not benefiting from the energy transition. Ensuring that large areas of the country do not suffer from the energy transition (thinking NE Scotland in particular).
  • Strategic, joined up approaches & research
    • including academic, statutory and industry partners (developers, regulators, ecologists, biologists, engineers, oceanographers, social scientists, economists, etc.) for knowledge exchange, addressing shared challenges; multidisciplinary research for uses in marine spatial planning, licensing and monitoring programmes;
    • Development of scientifically robust approaches; Definition of standardised methods and well-housed, transparent shared data-bases;
    • Cross-border cooperation and knowledge projection; Cross-Forum collaboration across MASTS
  • Workforce training and skills needs; Funding opportunities Challenges of recruitment, addressing skills gaps, transition of skills from those working in hydrocarbon industries

Forum Steering Group

MASTS Logo, a seahorse
Forum Convenor: Cameron Johnstone (University of Strathclyde)

Reader | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Interests: Marine Renewable Energy Systems | Analysis of power capture, transfer and take off performance | Scale model testing

Forum Convenor: Eleanor MacLeod (Robert Gordon University)

Research Fellow | National Subsea Centre

Interests: Fisheries Management | Fisheries Science | Fish Population Dynamics | Stock Assessment

Forum Convenor: Karen Alexander (Heriot-Watt University)

Dr | Assistant Professor| School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society

Interests: Marine Socio-Ecology | Environmental Stewardship | Ocean and Coastal Conflict

Abigail Davies (RGU)
Caroline Brown (OEUK)
Debbie Russell (University of St Andrews)
Elizabeth Masden (UHI)
Gordon Hastie (University of St Andrews)
Jasmin Manning (NatureScot)
Jennifer Hindson (Marine directorate)
John B Paterson (University of Aberdeen)
Kate Gormley (University of Aberdeen)
Katherine Whyte (BIOSS)
Lea-Anne Henry (University of Edinburgh)
Mohammed Alaa Almoghayer (GDG Engineering Innovation)
Natalie Hicks (University of Essex)
Tavis Potts (University of Aberdeen)
Institution Logos of Energy Forum Members
MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
