MASTS is made by and for its members

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

MASTS Working Groups

Welcome to MASTS Working Groups

MASTS Research Forums and Working Groups form the major scientific driving force of the MASTS community. Below you can find an overview of our Working Groups, their objectives and current activities, and ways to get involved.

A group of Puffin sea birds, sitting on a rock overlooking the ocean

In addition to MASTS Research Themes and Forums, Working Groups (WG) provide opportunities for more focused Forum and cross-Forum activities. They address specific time-bound challenges related to established or emerging areas of marine research, policy initiatives or regulation.

Ideas for Working Groups may be suggested from within the community or by parties external to MASTS. Proposals will be assessed by the MASTS Science Advisory Panel based on criteria such as innovative nature, societal and economic impact and implementation strategy. Working Groups are allocated a specified amount of funding and receive administrative support through the MASTS Directorate. Outputs can include Policy Briefs, Papers, Story Maps, Workshops, etc.
If you would like to discuss an idea for a Working Group or would like to contribute to an existing group, please contact

WG: Understanding Climate Change Impacts Around Scottish Deep Seas
– Development of a Story Map & Policy Brief

Lead PIs: Johanne Vad (University of Edinburgh) and Kristina Beck (University of Edinburgh)

WG Members: Andrew Sweetman (SAMS), Colin Moffat (SAMS), Danielle de Jonge (JNCC), Dominique Anderson (Heriot-Watt University), Eirian Kettle (JNCC), Lucy Goodwin (University of Liverpool) and Teresa Fernandes (Heriot-Watt University).

Advisory support: Bhavani Narayanaswamy (SAMS) and Jens Rasmussen (Marine Directorate).

Technical Development: Emily Hague (Heriot-Watt University)


The MASTS Deep Sea Community has identified the need for clear communication of the impacts of climate change on Scottish deep-sea ecosystems together with the associated socio-economic impacts.

The aim is to develop a Story Map, an interactive and accessible online tool, to visualize the current and future impacts, hotspots and critical timepoints. It will provide an overview of recent research and knowledge gaps and showcase the technology used. The Map will highlight changes in species distribution and visualize biological, physical and oceanographic impacts in the water column, on the surface and subsurface sediments.

This Story Map will be designed for use by a wide range of stakeholders, including members of the public and policy makers. It would also lead to a production of a policy brief highlighting to policy makers the need for decisive climate change mitigation action.

Bird view of ocean waves

WG Proposal accepted

July 2024

Workshop in Edinburgh

Aug 2024

Draft presentation at ASM

Nov 2024

Story Map Finalised

Jan 2025
Working Group ideas in the pipeline

The following topics are currently being discussed and analyzed regarding objectives and feasibility. MASTS welcomes anyone interested in contributing to these topics, please get in touch via

  • Framework for Best Practice and Quality Assurance for the use of AI
  • Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – State of knowledge and gaps with respect to offshore wind development
  • Optimising data acquisition for Artificial Intelligence – Formalising data sets and finding data standards which can be used by AI in the best feasible way.
  • Marine Biodiversity Net Gain and Restoration
  • Migration and Prey Energyscapes in Changing Oceans – Use of Process-Based Models
  • Scottish Biodiversity Strategy – Nature Enhancement and Restoration
MASTS Resources

We’re working behind the scenes to bring you a suite of useful, and updateable, resources including: 

  • Find an expert
  • Find facilities & equipment
  • MASTS Publications


If you would like to be updated when the resources section is live please let us know.
